He’s Heating Up

I remember playing NBA Jam for Sega Genesis and “He’s heating up” was one of the five or six different comments the announcer would make.  Of course, this would also precede “He’s on fire!”

If you’re wondering where I’m going with all this, it leads back to Alex Rodriguez.  After watching his batting average toil in the low to mid .200s for most of the season, I noticed that A-Rod’s batting average is back up around a more respectable .280.  A-Rod is heating up at just the right time.

In New York, A-Rod isn’t really known as a player that delivers in October, but maybe that month off to rest his hip early in the season is going to help A-Rod.  He came off the DL in May and hit .260 before hitting .207 in June.  In July he really began to get going and hit .289 before hitting .315 in August.  Through six games in September (by no means a representative sample) A-Rod was hitting .440.  I have high hopes for this year’s Yanks and A-Rod is certainly going to be an important factor in how far the Yanks go.  Let’s just hope that when he catches fire, it will be October 1st.

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